
hawk ennis

Cool Change

Cool Change

“Hawk Ennis came highly recommended to us by a friend after we mentioned we were looking for our next boat. After our initial introductions, the first thing he asked was what we wanted out of the boat. We told him we wanted a boat could enjoy in Annapolis to entertain...
Well Treated

Well Treated

“Business is sensitive, it goes where it is welcomed, and stays where it is well treated”. That phrase comes to mind when I think of my dealings with you. Little did know that back in 2014 when we were first introduced, that intro would change the course of my...
The Easiest Experience

The Easiest Experience

My wife and I started exploring the possibility of changing our lives by living on a boat. We spent most of 2020 looking at internet websites for possibilities. Even though we had found several possibilities and made some inquiries, we were largely unsuccessful. My...