OnBoard Magazine - Issue XIV - 2022 Season

Scan this code to learn more. oceanpointmarinelending.com Top Professional Service & Affordable Financing SET SAIL WITH OCEANPOINT MARINE LENDING! Laurie Kiser Vice President, Marine Product Manager cell: 443.223.8425 | ph: 667.777.4211 [email protected] Located in Annapolis, MD Contact me today: All offered programs are subject to credit approval and collateral review. • Knowledgeable Staff All of our loans are underwritten in-house to determine the best lender to meet each customer’s needs. • Quick Turn-Around Times Our approvals and closing documents are turned around quickly and efficiently. • Exclusive Sources We work closely with large national banks in addition to maintaining exclusive relationships with multiple local credit unions, enabling us to tailor financing programs with competitive rates and flexible loan products. As a division of BankNewport, we also hold loans on our balance sheet. • Older Boat Financing We offer finance programs for vessels up to 30 years old and possibly older. Contact us for more details. 64 BLUEWATER