John Prather
Sales Professional

Captain John Prather is a Maryland native who has been fishing since childhood. Being a professional fisherman for the past 20 years, John has gained extensive knowledge about countless styles of fishing both inshore and offshore. Having traveled the east coast on to the Bahamas, Mexico, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, he has encountered every situation imaginable.
John has worked on some of the top custom and production boats in the country. He holds countless tournament wins and records. The knowledge he can share with you for your next purchase is an investment in itself.
John has a vast knowledge of boat building in general and has been through the entire build process of several boats from 20 foot outboards to some of the largest sportfishing boats on the market. He has close relationships with some of the top boat manufacturers in the country. With more than two decades working physically on boats year-round, his knowledge of the ins and outs of boats is hard to match.
Blood Money - 64' Caison 2006
Kilo Charlie - 54' Ocean Yachts 2010
Buckshot - 54' Custom Carolina 1996
Lucky #11 - 52' Viking 2001
Speculator - 48' Viking 2007
Contagious - 48' Gillikin 2000
Lucky Duck - 48' Viking 2006
Pescatore - 47' Buddy Davis 1989
Brenda Lou - 46' Ocean Yachts 2005
Kelly Ann - 42' HCB 2021
NEW - 41' Regulator 2023
Ctl Alt Del - 38' Boston Whaler 2022
Game Changer - 37' Sunny Briggs 1989
MY PERS - 37' Ocean Yachts 2012
37' SeaHunter 2014
Reelentless - 36' Yellowfin 2015
New - 34' Regulator 2023
Lead Dog - 34' Pursuit 2019
32' World Cat 2011
New - 31' Regulator 2022
Easy Breezy - 31' Regulator 2019
31' Jersey Cape 2008
30' Sea Hunt 2017
Water Dog - 30' Hydra-Sports 2011
30' Pursuit 2003
Fortuna - 28' Regulator 2018
28' Sailfish 2008
28' Regulator 2013
Life Line - 27' Everglades 2019
Stars&Stripes - 26' Boston Whaler 2000
26' Sportsman 2020
Rockin Rooster - 25' Parker 2004
23' Tidewater 2020
23' Clearwater 2019
23' Clearwater 2018
REBAL SOUL - 23' Parker 2018
22' Sportsman 2017
22' Carolina Skiff 2017
20' May-Craft 2021
20' SeaCraft 2004