Albemarle: Hard-core Fishing with Upgraded Amenities
Albemarle Boats recently hosted Bluewater team members for a thorough tour of their main production facility located in Edenton, North Carolina. Bluewater Sales Professional Scott MacDonald provided us with some first-hand accounts of their operation. “The factory is humming along with two production lines building both inboard and outboard-powered boat,” MacDonald explains. “It is obvious their ownership team has them well-positioned for success now, and moving forward.”

The skilled tradesmen at Albemarle can be seen using only the most durable hardware and components in every facet of construction. Each boat is put through a series of inspections and rigorous testing to ensure they maintain the highest standards of quality and safety. Albemarle prides themselves in utilizing customer feedback to continually improve their products for the modern angler and his crew. General Manager Burch Perry sums up this vision, “Albemarle strives to be recognized for the quality of our products and people. We aim to be characterized by our responsiveness in the marketplace, teamwork and cooperation, and pride in our accomplishments.”
MacDonald explains his experience aboard Albemarle boats, both old and new, “I fished a 32 out of Ocean City, MD for several years. That boat raised a lot of fish and we caught almost everything that swims. It was strong, stable and had a great engine package. The only reason the owner sold the boat was to go bigger.” Scott continues, “after spending some time on the new 41 Express, I love it. They’ve kept the heart and soul of a flat-out fishing machine, but upgraded the interior and amenities to appeal to more than just the hard-core fisherman.”
“after spending some time on the new 41 Express, I love it.”
Albemarle is one of several new boat brands to which Bluewater has made the commitment to stock EVERY model produced. Positioning this extensive inventory throughout Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina has provided the opportunity for Bluewater team members to put each Albemarle boat through its paces. By visiting the factory often and gaining first-hand experience operating the entire new-model lineup, no one is better positioned to provide insight into the new breed of Albemarle boats.