Cruising into a Second Life on a Back Cove 39O
Cruising into a Second Life on a Back Cove 39O Most of us have an activity we enjoy that allows for an escape from the pressures and rigors of everyday life. For Marshall Cross, growing up on the James River in Newport News, Virginia, his escape has always been...
First Impressions of the Back Cove 372
First Impressions of the Back Cove 372 In Spring of last year, we featured timely reporting on the upcoming Back Cove 372—the revitalization of the Back Cove 37, which enjoyed over a decade of success before undergoing design updates to the molds. After more than 200...
Back Cove Focuses on Pleasing their Customers with Top Performing Models
Back Cove Focuses on Pleasing their Customers with Top Performing Models Franklin D. Roosevelt is credited with pointing out, “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” As the past few years have proven, we have many skilled sailors in our midst, including the boat...
Back Cove Couple Readying for Retirement
Back Cove Couple Readying for RetirementAug 17, 2021 | Back Cove Yachts, Magazine, News | 0 comments Growing up, Mark Hayes was introduced to boating on his parent’s Galaxy ski boat. They enjoyed using it on the lakes of central North Carolina, and each year on July...
Back Cove’s New Outboard Models Prove Fast & Spacious
Opening it up Back Cove’s New Outboard Models Prove Fast & SpaciousAug 5, 2021 | Back Cove Yachts, Magazine, News, Uncategorized | 0 comments It was 2018 when Back Cove unveiled plans for their first outboard powered Downeast style boat. Bluewater reported...
Back Cove’s Popular 37 is Reborn
Back Cove’s Popular 37 is Reborn The original Back Cove 37 was launched in 2009 as the company’s flagship yacht of the time. In the more than eleven years of production for the first generation 37, over 200 hulls were delivered to customers. The model’s success helped...
Back Cove & Sabre Empower Live-Aboard Adventures in Quality and Style
Back Cove & Sabre Empower Live-Aboard Adventures in Quality and Style “Cruising” on a boat is such a broad term. Running through your favorite local waterways, or around a bay; island hopping, heading south along the east coast for your winter...
Back Cove Offers Outboard Power from a Clean-Sheet Design
Best Cruising Yachts It’s no secret that the popularity of outboard engines has skyrocketed over the last two decades. Leaps and bounds have been made in design, systems integration and computer technology that has allowed today’s outboard engines to be more...
I have had many boats in my life and have dealt with many brokers. I found that Jimmy Dean was more pro-active and getting my boat sold. For example, he made it a point to take time out of his weekend and take my 2011 30’ Back Cove to Ego Alley in Annapolis so it...
Examining Back Cove’s Single Engine Success
Examining Back Cove’s Single Engine Success When a boater is ready to fulfill their cruising ambitions, there is no shortage of options available on the market to satisfy that itch. Downeast style sedan bridge layouts remain a popular choice due to their classic...