The Bluewater Summer Cruise is a casual weekend get-together and cruise from Bluewater Yachting Center to Somers Cove Marina and Tangier Island. Join us the weekend of July 17th through the 20th for food, family and camaraderie!

Planned Events Include:

  • Poolside dock parties and live music
  • Boat demos & sea trials
  • Cruise to Tangier Island & Mrs. Crockett’s restaurant
  • First Aid at Sea seminar
  • Crab races and crab feast
  • Customer boat christenings

Boat Christenings

We already have over 30 boats scheduled to participate in this mid-summer cruise, however, we still have plenty of space for more boats. While this may be an exclusive event for our extended Bluewater family, there is nothing exclusive about the variety of vessels registered thus far, from center consoles, motor yachts and sportfish convertiblesĀ ranging in size from 26 feet to over 60 feet.