I wanted to send this note to you and thank you for helping us to acquire our Boat.. which we shall now call…The Queen B. Not just anyone would ride three hours with us to Wanchese to check this bad girl out, but you did! And we truly enjoyed your company buddy! Couldn’t believe they let this boat go at the price they did, but we really appreciated your helping us with the negotiation aspect, as we were on somewhat of a budget for sure. Ever since you sold my old Bertram, I have really appreciated your friendship as well as your constant updates with Blue Water offerings! Heck, I might put the “B” up for sale again just so that we can buy a third from you!
At any rate, have a terrific day, and just wanted you to know that we think the world of you and appreciated your professionalism during this boat buying process. You steered us correctly sir! Hope to see you soon. Let’s fish soon!-Randy