
When a boat has been with the same family for many years, it has become a part of that family. Once it is time to move up or move on, the emotions around the sale of that boat can be tough to manage, but with the dedication and professionalism of our Sales Professional, this family was able to feel confident in their sale and have developed a lifetime relationship of trust with Chuck Meyers and the Bluewater Yacht Sales organization!

Hi Jan,

I wanted to thank Bluewater again for the hospitality in St. Michaels [2015 Summer Cruise] as we thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with your organization. I felt more than compelled to write to you concerning our experience with the sale of our Grand Banks 42, Passageway. We boaters become emotionally attached to our boats so we make excuses when things go wrong, and praise the heck when all is fine. Lorraine, Hana and myself had many, many great experiences with her that will never be erased from our memory. The thought of putting her on the market was not something that we looked forward to. However, we are all fortunate to know Chuck who has become a very good friend and a person who works 24/7. I can’t tell you how many times I called Chuck in the wee morning hours and asked him a question regarding our boating experience. This happened prior to and during the sale as well.

Chuck made our sale very comfortable, and I am certain that my addressing you in regard to his professionalism and dedication is no surprise. He is an asset that does not come around every day. In my business I can’t find that type of person…I wish I could. The Bluewater family is one of the finest groups that I have had the pleasure of dealing with and I just wanted to express our thanks to your people and especially to Chuck Myers.

Please tell the owners of Bluewater that we will present this information to every boat owner that we meet so that they can have the same experience. The Lepore family will never look anywhere else when it is time to move UNA. Chuck will forever be our broker and close friend, what a terrific person.

Please share this with your management team as I am not normally inclined to throw out compliments!


Lorraine, Frank & Hana Lepore