Reflecting on a Lifetime of Leadership
As we turn the page to a new, unwritten chapter in the Bluewater Yacht Sales story, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on the traits of Bluewater’s founder, Curry Hall III (known to many of us as Chris Sr.). His lifetime of leadership with Bluewater spanned over 54 years and has touched many lives, and cemented a legacy of vision and success in the marine industry.

“The number one thing with Chris is how well he knows his customers and how they would come to be part of the Bluewater family. When you bought a boat from Bluewater you were invited into the inner circle of the fishing family. Whether it was in Florida, the Bahamas, Hatteras, Morehead City, Ocean City or Virginia Beach—it was always a family affair and it’s just an awesome feeling to be a part of that.”
Patrick Healey, Viking Yachts
Patrick Healey, Viking Yachts
“What Bluewater has done right since their first year in business, they’ve treated customers right. They built relationships with people across the board: customer, employees, friends, other people in the boat business. And, they built a reputation of trust.”
Randy Ramsey, Bluewater Principal
Randy Ramsey, Bluewater Principal

“Their business is built on relationships. His customers were his friends and his friends were his customers and I think I would characterize Chris’ business as being one built on friendships and the relationships are deep and wide.”
Bob Aston, TowneBank
Bob Aston, TowneBank
“He wakes up every day, and dresses for success and ready to sell. He loves the process and lives it every day and every second. No matter where he is and what activity he is doing, he is selling and promoting the company he built and the products it sells.”
Wyatt Lane, Bluewater General Manager
Wyatt Lane, Bluewater General Manager

“Bluewater always seemed big to me when I was a kid, even when it was tiny. I think a big part of that is because my dad made it that way. He never acted like he was the small fish in the pond even if he/we were. He always believed in himself, and it is almost like he knew Bluewater would become what it is today. It’s like his vision was going to be a reality, and he wasn’t going to stop until he made it so.”
Chris Hall Jr., son, Bluewater Sales Professional
Chris Hall Jr., son, Bluewater Sales Professional
“At the heart of what we do, we are friends first, business associates second—and I think everybody you talk to will say the same thing. If there was a disagreement, Chris was always the one to suggest we get together and sit down and talk about it. The relationships were foremost.”
Joan Maxwell, Regulator Marine
Joan Maxwell, Regulator Marine
“He’s always promoted women in the business. From his financial relationship with his wealth advisor Susan Harris, to his support of Joan Maxwell at Regulator Marine, to our own Jan Boone as the head of Bluewater Yacht Sales. He turned what might have just been transactional into relationships, he lived the boating lifestyle and brought everyone into that in a familial way.”
Kelsea Hall, niece, Bluewater Sales Assistant
Kelsea Hall, niece, Bluewater Sales Assistant
“One could say Chris is passionate about boating but I think it is also more about the people. He is just as happy talking to a kid crabbing off a wooden skiff in the muddy creeks as he is cruising clear waters in a 90-footer. Chris’ true impact can be measured by witnessing him in his element; whether its walking the docks at a tournament or cruising the islands, he has never met a stranger. He truly has a gift of finding lifelong friends wherever he ties up, and his passion and enthusiasm is contagious.”
Baxter Lusink, Bluewater Sales Manager
Baxter Lusink, Bluewater Sales Manager

“I’ve told Judy, I’d love to gather with our closest friends out on the end of the dock and watch every boat we’ve ever sold go by. I think most of them would wave at us. I’d like to think so.”
Chris Hall, III
Chris Hall, III
I moved to Hampton Roads in 1984 from Atlanta and Lake Lanier. I worked while in college delivering J-boat and we off loaded trucks at his sister’s sailboat dealership
Up here chi’s immediately treated me a friend. I enjoyed being a sailboat customer of his in the 90s.
Alan Bomar customer since 1984
I have owned many boats over many years – so when I bought Chris’s personal 49 Eastbay it was such a privilege. The boat was perfect, he introduced me to Judd Black, Earle, Chris jr etc etc and took me home to meet his family. I returned with friends and my 12 year old grandson to have lunch and tour his garage full of Corvettes, antique racing boats and motors. Chris is the best and always makes you feel a friend – no matter if you buy a $40k boat or a $3m boat.
I hope to have a drink with him in the “hereafter” on a ‘57 Chris Connie or maybe a Hatteras 53 Motor yacht. All the best.